Harness machine learning to clean up your scRNA-seq data
Guest author Stephen Fleming introduces CellBender, a software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput scRNA-seq and other multi-omics data.
Guest author Stephen Fleming introduces CellBender, a software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput scRNA-seq and other multi-omics data.
This prostate cancer study used Terra to process exome sequencing and single-cell RNAseq data with automated workflows.
The Human Cell Atlas project makes its vast collection of data available through a Data Portal that offers direct export to a Terra workspace.
Dr. Kiran Garimella gives an overview of MAS-ISO-seq, a new method for generating a lot more data per run with long-read sequencing technologies such as PacBio, and shares a workspace that demonstrates the method’s data processing.
An overview of data and analysis resources provided by the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) via the Neuroscience Multi-omic Archive (NeMO) and Terra
Dr. Martin Morgan gives us an overview of the R / Bioconductor AnVIL package and shows how his group’s work empowers researchers to work more easily on the cloud.
Terra has offered the ability to use GPUs in workflows for quite some time, yet many of you have told us that you also need to be able to run GPU-enabled computations interactively, so we’re really excited to roll out GPU support for Jupyter Notebooks.
Terra offers an assortment of cloud environments pre-configured for interactive analysis with popular tools and packages. In response to popular demand, we recently updated Terra’s R-based notebook environments to include the latest version of Seurat, a widely-used R package for multimodal single-cell analysis.
We teamed up with the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network consortium to put together a hands-on workshop focused on helping researchers get started with key resources including the Neuroscience Multi-Omic Archive, Single Cell Portal, and Terra.
What better way to keep the rstudio::global(2021) party going than to share a video showing how to use RStudio in Terra? Yes, you read that right, RStudio is available in Terra! Specifically, we provide a cloud environment pre-configured to run the server version of RStudio, as an alternative (or complement) to Jupyter Notebooks. […]
Terra is developed by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in collaboration with Microsoft and Verily.