Welcome to the new Terra website

Happy New Year and welcome back to all of you who have been enjoying a period of holidays! And to everyone else, we hope you get a break soon. Not to put too much pressure on 2021, but we have high hopes for this new year. So what better way to get started than with a new informational website for Terra? 

That’s right, we’ve completely redesigned the Terra.bio web pages to provide more accessible and comprehensive orientation information about what Terra can do for you, how to get started, and where to find key resources. This includes a scientific showcase of how some labs are using Terra today in fields such as cancer genomics, single-cell transcriptomics, medical & population genetics, and infectious diseases; resource pages about topics like cloud computing and security; and background information about the Terra team, our mission and the many collaborations we are involved in. 

If you’re a returning visitor, you’ll notice this blog is now part of the Terra.bio website instead of the user guide, where it used to live. (Note that the app itself, the rest of the user guide and the community forum are unchanged.) Please make sure to update your bookmarks and subscribe to the new blog notifications (see blog homepage) to make sure you don’t miss any new content from us. You can also now easily subscribe to the Terra mailing list; see the form in the footer of any page on the website. 

We hope you will find the new website useful and easier to navigate. Happy new year and best wishes of success from the Terra team.

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