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Terra Blog

Terra in a nutshell: 2-minute video for newcomers

We’re taking a break from our usual blogging program of technical content (hello GPUs) and ecosystem explainers (hello AnVIL) to bring you some lighter fare. Specifically, we wanted to highlight a video resource we created to help newcomers get a super-quick answer to their very first question: what is Terra?

This short (2:39 min) video summarizes why it makes sense to move biomedical data to the cloud, and outlines how Terra helps you access data, analyze it, and collaborate securely there. The video is featured on the homepage of Terra.bio, and it’s also available on YouTube

For your convenience, we’re embedding the video below. 

If you’re new to Terra — or to data analysis in the cloud in general — we hope this will encourage you to take some time to learn more on Terra.bio, and perhaps even take the next step by signing up and getting started today

And if you’re already an experienced Terra user, please consider sharing the video with your colleagues to help them understand how Terra might serve their needs too.



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