Introducing Terra on Azure

Kyle Vernest is Head of Product in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute. In this blog post, Kyle announces the availability of Terra on Azure.


As you may have read previously, we have been working closely with our partners at Microsoft to expand Terra to a multi-cloud offering in order to support storing data and running analyses on Microsoft Azure. It’s with tremendous excitement that we are now launching the preview phase of Terra on Azure.

For additional context about Terra and the significance of this milestone, check out the Microsoft Research blog about Terra on Azure.

Starting today, you can request access to join Terra on Azure. To register for access, visit the Terra welcome screen, select Login from the menu in the top left, and select the “Sign in with Microsoft” option. Once your request for access to Terra on Azure has been granted, you can expect to receive an email notification that will include pointers to resources for getting started, including Azure-specific Terra documentation and instructional videos. There may be a waiting period before you are granted access; letting in new users gradually will enable us to tune our system to ensure you have an optimized experience.


What’s in the box?

The initial scope of functionality offered by the preview of Terra on Azure is focused on enabling efficient and scalable data storage in workspaces, multi-modal analysis using JupyterLab, and global collaboration. In the coming weeks, we’ll roll out additional features, such as workflow execution on Azure.

We’ll also be making rapid iterative improvements to the user experience based on the feedback we receive, so if you join us as an early adopter, please don’t hesitate to tell us how it’s working for you, either in the community forum or through the Helpdesk.


Sign up today to try it out

We’re excited to see the amazing work you’ll do with Terra on Microsoft Azure. Subscribe to the Terra Blog to stay up to date on the latest feature announcements, and sign up today to become an early adopter of Terra on Azure!

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