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Tag: bioinformatics


Try out RStudio in Terra

What better way to keep the rstudio::global(2021) party going than to share a video showing how to use RStudio in Terra? Yes, you read that right, RStudio is available in Terra! Specifically, we provide a cloud environment pre-configured to run the server version of RStudio, as an alternative (or complement) to Jupyter Notebooks. […]

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A must-read review paper for getting started with bioinformatics workflows

New year, new partnership… and a new blog series focusing on highlighting papers that we think will be of interest to many of you. For this first iteration, we review a review paper (review-ception!) fresh off the virtual press over at GigaScience, coming out of C. Titus Brown’s lab at UC Davis, on the topic of workflow systems. 

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A textbook for life sciences in the cloud

I remember when I originally started hearing about Docker containers; I didn’t really understand what they were and anything I googled on the topic seemed awfully complicated. And I’ll admit, getting used to working with cloud storage was rough too. What do you mean it’s not a filesystem? What’s object storage? […]

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